Thursday, May 14, 2009

A bloggy hiatus- unintentionally

It has been a while since I have had enough time to sit down, think through what I want to say, and remember to actually do it. Our house is always full of excitement. Ashley is almost finished with her first year of school-kindergarten. It has been amazing to watch her go from shy to confident in ten short months. She has mastered writing and reading (which she is gifted in) but she also excels at math and science too. She is exceeding all of the benchmarks and has only gotten a yellow light for behavior once the whole year (which went back to green before the end of the day). She is so stinking smart that I don't know whether Dave and I will be able to help her with her homework :) We are looking forward to summer and sleeping in (does 7:30 count as sleeping in?).

On to Bugga Boo- Ryan. Hmmmmm! Ryan and I have been working on potty training for a while now and everytime I think that he has it- we have an accident. We do not have many peeing accidents but oh my goodness the POOP! I have tried just about everything to get him to use the toilet but he is a stubborn boy so it is still a work in progress. Tomorrow I am going to sign him up for swim class so that he has a class to attend over the summer too. He is probably the funniest boy that I know and he makes me laugh so hard every day.

AHHHHHHHH Alexis. When I first gave birth to Lexi, people would ask me all the time, is it harder with 3, and I always would say, ask me in 6 months. Well folks, this next week Lexi will be 6 months old. I am so sad that half of her first year is already gone. She is still the happiest, smiliest baby that I have had. She is now teething and showing a little seperation anxiety when I am not around. She watches me all the time to make sure that I am still there. She eats EVERYTHING (hallelujah) and i do mean EVERYTHING. She is such a blessing!